Hack Clubbers gather at the Flagship 2019 conference

Applications are now open It's feeling the like the end of the end of the world. Fall semester is coming

Don’t run your coding club alone.Make it a Hack Club.

Hack Club is a nonprofit network of high school coding clubs and makers around the world. Applications are now open.

Apply now

The rundown

Teen clubs for the joy of code.

Hack Clubs typically meet for 1.5 hours each week in high schools, makerspaces, community centers, churches, and any other venue where teenagers can gather. Each club is unique but a typical meeting would look like:

Summer Creek Hack Club meeting, February 2020
Summer Creek Hack Club meeting, February 2020

A group of teens, many beginners, gather to start coding.The leader (that’s you!) presents for a few minutes, getting the group started building something new.


Everyone gets hacking, individually. Not hacking bank accounts, being creative and making something awesome.


To end, everyone demos their work.As a leader, you’re cultivating a community of makers. Each member showing off their work builds momentum & motivation.

Go beyond club meetings.

Hack Clubs attend and run hackathons like Windy City Hacks & Hack the Fog, run summer programs like Hack Camp, and compete in events like the Congressional App Challenge. The hack’s the limit.

Hack Clubbers on the 2021 Hacker Zephyr

~ Philosophy ~

By the students, for the students.

Learning to code is uniquely like gaining a superpower—turning you from a consumer of technology into a creator. So it shouldn’t be taught like a class—it should be a creative, inclusive space. To foster this environment, every Hack Club is student-led & members make self-directed projects.

Our philosophy →

Hit the ground running

Get your club going & growingwith Hack Club.

Chats with 100s of club leaders

In our Slack community of 10k+ teen hackers, you’ll join a private space for Hack Club leaders to ask questions & chat, share projects, & attend weekly live events.

Megan presenting a workshop at Flagship 2019

Meeting content

Come prepared to every meeting with over 100 workshops (3 years’ worth!) that guide your club members through making fun, creative projects.

Macintosh stickerPride stickerEnjoy Hack Club Coca-Cola sticker


Get amazing stickers for marketing your club shipped directly to you & your club members.

Screenshot of Hack Club Bank on a MacBook

A nonprofit bank account

Use our 501(c)(3) status (US-only) and a club bank account with Hack Club Bank. Fundraise, accept donations, buy things!

Students going wild on a Zoom call

Weekly events

From Hack Night to AMAs to weirder events, the Slack community has live events for leaders & members alike every week.

A basket of free tools

Free subscriptions to Notion Pro, Figma Pro, repl.it and more for running a great club.

Next steps

Apply today to start your club.

It’s all-online, free, & takes under an hour. We’ll help from there!

1. Application

Start by telling us about your club & who’s leading it.

2. Onboarding call

Hop on a quick Zoom with someone from Hack Club HQ.

3. First meeting

Schedule your club’s first meeting & get going!

Apply to Hack Club